Christmas Ads

Even if you want it or not the holiday fever will catch like a merry-go-round. It’s the time where we are invaded by commercials, that are target at our emotional side. From the heap of Christmas ads we have selected a few, some creative, others funny and many that make us think about our childhood.

It seems that the recipe for a good Christmas ad is not so hard. Your first thought is to use one of your brand’s characteristic and a holiday symbol and it’s done. I recommend that you re-consider that for a moment as others have been extremely creative in their job:

Let’s not forget about ads that make us smile, those prints that put Christmas characters in places your wouldn’t think about or in situations that amuse us and connects us with the brand.

And, why not, you can use Christmas for humanitarian cases. It’s such an old recipe that it never goes wrong, like your grandma’s cookies.

In the end we have kept the vintage ads. They are as beautiful as memories.

Photo sources:,,,,,

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