Campaigns with, for and about women

March is, par excellence, a month in which all women should be celebrated, appreciated more for what they are and for what they do for their families. Also, they should know that they are special!

Through the years, lots of smart and lovely campaigns were created for bringing in the foreground the idea that women need to be seen as they are: powerful, beautiful and intelligent, not at all only some objects or beings that are inferior to men. We gathered a series of campaigns from 2015 and 2016 that destroy those stereotypes, and because we liked them so much, we decided to share them with you.

1. #LikeAGirl (2015)

You can find out more on Always website.

2. We’re not there yet (2015)

Read more about the campaign on Not There.

3. I am beautiful! (2016)

If you want to know more, visit Dove Club.

4. #WomenNotObjects (2016)

You can find out more by visiting the campaign’s website.

5. Unique Beautiful Moment (2015)

Read more on Lemon XL website.

6. #TheDress – #StopAbuseAgainstWomen (2015)


7. #speakbeautiful (2015)

If you want to know more, access Dove.

8. Suspended flower (2016)

o floare in asteptare

You will find more information about the campaign on their Facebook page.

9. Women have always had A 6th Sense (2016)

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